Here is a talk I gave at the Leominster city-wide Catholic Mission last week on what it means to aspire to be people of hope.
The eighth chapter of the Letter to the Romans has always meant a lot to me. I was first introduced to it by the lyrics of a song that was written by Father Enrico Garzilli. It was simply called Romans 8. Perhaps you have heard it:
For to those who love God, who are called in his plan
Everything works out for good,
for God himself chose then to bear the likeness of His son
That he might be the first of many, many brothers
This chapter goes on from there:
I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us…For creation was made subject to futility in hope that creation itself would be set free…and share in the glorious freedom of the children of God.
We know that all creation is groaning in labor pains even until now; and not only that, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, we also groan within ourselves as we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.
I begin with Roman 8, because it sets the context of the hope to which Pope Francis has called us in the forthcoming Jubilee Year: to be pilgrims of hope.
The Holy Father first announced the Year of Jubilee in a document entitled Spes non confundit, or Hope Does Not Disappoint. In it, he reminds us that while we are already a pilgrim Church, walking during our whole life in a great pilgrimage of faith, we are called to become something more: we are called to become pilgrims of hope.
We live in a world desperately in need of hope. Just look at the desperate state of public discourse and the vicious way that people treat one another. How quickly people resort to cave man bullying tactics rather than reasoned discourse. And how compassion and patient understanding is in cut short supply.
Not to mention the Crosses which each one of us face in our daily lives.
A couple months ago, a dear priest friend told me that he had taken very sick very quickly at Mass when he suddenly felt very week and nauseous, to the point where he stumbled and almost knocked over the chalice on the altar. He stopped the Mass and someone did a Communion service while he took to his bed. Since then he has had a quadruple by-pass, and I am happy to report is doing well.
But he and I are both at the age where sudden illness can strike at any moment. Many of you know that disquieting fear, which hums in the background of your heart. You begin rehearsing the awful ways you have seen people get sick and die, accelerate your forays into forensic genealogy and desperately seek a diagnosis for each twinge from Dr. Google. Nor does it help that I am past the age where most people retire in order to have time for all those doctors.
For even worse than the kidney stone is the fear of it, the identification of the cramp or the ache as the onset of some agonizing night in the emergency room, where you will be sentenced to lying on a gurney, counting the seconds between the stabbing pains.
Fear of physical suffering reminds us, as does Romans 8, that these bodies groan in anticipation of their redemption. I guess thats why the image of the woman “groaning in labor pains” works so well….groaning within our selves as we wait for God to bring us home.
But, as this Jubilee year reminds us, we have a choice to make as we lay there wondering how much longer the pain will last, or if, indeed, it will ever go away, we are reminded by Saint Paul, that…
we even boast of our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy Spirit that has been given to us.
That’s why at every Mass we insist that we are waiting in joyful hope, even if during the week we must add to the dermatologist and audiologist, a cardiologist or even an oncologist.
For our hope is in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, which has saved us, even from death. The Cross of learning that its malignant, that your old life is over, at least for a time, and that now you must enter this monastic enclosure called Cardiac Care.
Now the Cross, of course, demands detachment: a letting go of what has been. Like all Crosses, it is mounted on a Good Friday as the sky goes black as all seem to have turned against you. Like all Crosses, it faces a vast darkly empty tomb, across which they plan to roll a great big stone to seal you in.
And like all Crosses, there are two ways it can be approached: as a captive or as a free man. As a captive, I go to the gallows bound and gagged, never gently into that good night, but fighting for my life. Alternatively, I can choose to receive the cross with open arms in imitation of the one who taught me how to mount the tree and accept every cross as a participation in his. The first is coerced. The second is the act of a free man and a life with meaning.
Admittedly, its hard to be a free man and to accept the suffering as they drive the nails into your wrist. Our every instinct is to struggle to get away. Only faith opens our arms. Only faith makes us free.
Saint Theresa of Calcutta, Doctor of fruitful suffering, once reflected:
Today the passion of Christ is being relived in all the lives of those who suffer. To accept that suffering is a gift of God. Suffering is not a punishment. God does not punish. Suffering is a gift. Though like all gifts, It depends on how we receive it. And that is why we need a pure heart- to see the hand of God, to feel the hand of God, to recognize the gift of God in our suffering. Suffering is not a punishment. Jesus does not punish. Suffering is a sign-a sign that we have come so close to Jesus on the cross, that He can kiss us, show that He is in love with us by giving us an opportunity to share in His passion. In our home for the dying it is so beautiful to see people who are joyful, people who are lovable, people who are at peace, in spite of terrible suffering. Suffering is not a punishment, not a fruit of sin, it is a gift of God. He allows us to share in His suffering and to make up for the sins of the world.
So let us live the faith we profess, that, delivered from fear, we might live as the children of God, waiting in joy for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.