28 July 2012

The Amazing Manchester Vocation Pilgrimage

More than twelve hundred pilgrims joined Bishop Libasci and the seminarians of Manchester on Thursday for a Mass at Saint Anne’s Church and a procession through the streets of Berlin, New Hampshire.  I was privileged to be present for this extraordinary event in a town which is the home to ten percent of the priests of Manchester and a parish which boasts over 250 vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Bishop Libasci recalled in his homily how as a child he always thrilled at going to “grandma’s house” and sharing in the treasures she kept in her cupboard.  “Today, on this feast of Saint Anne, we have come back to grandma’s house,” he proclaimed, and the treasures in her cupboard are the faith, hope and love which give birth to vocations in Christ.


Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...