27 December 2012

A well deserved honor and a new edition...

The Aquinas Center for Theological Renewal at Ave Maria University has announced that our own Father Romanus Cessario, O.P. has been chosen as the 2013 recipient of the Veritas Medal.

"The Veritas Medal honors an eminent Catholic thinker whose career reflects the Aquinas Center’s goal to foster the search for truth.  Since the attainment of truth is a participation in the Wisdom of Christ, the Veritas Medal serves to recognize those who have instantiated, in their lives and work, the integration of faith and reason.”

The Veritas Medal will be presented on the afternoon of January 26, 2013.  The entire Saint John’s Seminary community congratulates Father Cessario for this well deserved honor.  

Note should also be taken that Father Cessario's 2001 Introduction to Moral Theology has recently appeared in a revised edition.  The international theological journal “Nova et Vetera” calls Father Cessario’s introduction “a splendid book on moral theology [which] depicts in a grand style and well-argued fashion what shape the reflection on moral theology must take when one embraces moral realism."  The Journal of Catholic and Evangelical TheologyPro Ecclesia” observes that “[Father Cessario] “has established himself as one of the leading scholars in the field of Roman Catholic moral theology, and those expecting to find a probative discussion of the essential features of the Thomistic articulation of that tradition will not be disappointed. It is a masterful presentation.... Veteran or novice, all those interested in encountering a vigorous account of Catholic moral theology will profit from this introduction."

In my view, this volume should be on every pastor’s bookshelf.  

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...