29 March 2013

The Mystery of Life...

Tonight we celebrate the heart of the mystery of life.

Tonight, every question is answered, for those whose ears will hear. Tonight, every doubt is washed away, for those whose hearts will believe. Tonight, every fear and sin is buried, for those who are willing to rise with Christ.

For from the darkness of our selfishness. From the pitch blackness of war and violence, From the blindness of sin and rebellion, there emerges a single light:

That light is the Son of the Living God, through whom this world and time itself were made, in whom we live and move and have our being.

He was made flesh for us, a weak and little baby in the arms of his Virgin mother, He let go of his power as God, and took on our human flesh, to be God and man, and to teach us how to love.

And then he taught us, to always take the last place, to seek out and care for the poor, to pick up our crosses, to seek only holiness and love.

And then, finally, when the time had come, he suffered and died for us, he was nailed to a cross, opening his arms in an everlasting sign of his eternal love.

And when they buried him in the tomb, that cold and scary Friday night, most of them thought the story was over. That he was dead, and would stay that way.

But on the Easter morning, the light pierced the darkness, and we were saved!

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...