29 May 2013

Father Pignato on Evangelical Catholicism

The annual assembly of the Worcester Presbyterate is taking place in Hyannis this week.  We are blessed to be hearing a reflection on Evangelical Catholicism and the Priesthood with Father David Pignato, a priest of the Diocese of Fall River and a member of our own faculty at Saint John's Seminary.  In his first talk this morning he quoted from a March 25, 2013 letter of Pope Francis to the Bishops of Argentina:

"A Church that does not go out, sooner or later gets sick in the vitiated atmosphere of her enclosure. It is true also that to a Church that goes out something can happen, as it can to any person who goes out to the street: to have an accident. Given this alternative, I wish to say to you frankly that I prefer a thousand times an injured Church than a sick Church. The typical illness of the shut-in Church is self-reference; to look at herself, to be bent over herself like the woman in the Gospel. It is a kind of narcissism that leads us to spiritual worldliness and to sophisticated clericalism, and then it impedes our experiencing 'the sweet and comforting joy of evangelizing.'"

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...