16 July 2013

Faculty Changes for this Fall

As the summer months provide us with time to prepare for yet another exciting year of formation and growth, I am reminded of the great blessing which our seminary faculty is to each of our seminarians.  So I want to share with you some of the changes in faculty which the seminarians will see when they return to Saint John’s.

Father Pignato will assume the role of Director of Pre-Theology, as Father Scorzello assumes the role of a Spiritual Director and both of them continue teaching. 

Monsignor John Mclaughlin will succeed Bishop Barber as the Director of Spiritual Formation. 

Dr. Paul Metilly will join the Pre-Theology Faculty as a fulltime professor of philosophy.  Dr. Metilly has just completed his ecclesiastical Ph.D. in Philophy and also holds a  Ph.L. and an ecclesiastical S.T.M.  Dr. Metilly will also serve as interim Director of Academic Formation. 

Father Joseph Briody, a priest of Raphoe in Ireland will join the faculty as a full time formator and Director of Liturgy.  Father Briody holds a licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, magna cum laude, and is an advisor to the Vox Clara Committee.  Up to now he has served as pastor of Holy Cross Church in Dunfanaghy.

Father Salocks will return to us as a formator and full time professor of Sacred Scripture, while Father James Conn, S.J. will join the formation faculty, while continuing as a professor in Canon Law.

Father McManus will continue as a Professor of Liturgy and formater, but will reduce the time he will be in residence in response to various requests for service from the Holy See and the USCCB.  His primary residence will be at Georgetown University.

Reverend Raymond Van De Moortell will serve as Director of Human Formation, building on the fine work accomplished by Father Pignato’s  in establishing policies and procedures in the previous year.

In summary, here is what the faculty will look like:

Formation Faculty
Reverend Christopher O’Connor, Vice-Rector and Professor Theology
Reverend Joseph Briody, Director of Liturgy and Professor of Sacred Scripture
Reverend Romanus Cessario, O.P., Theological Advisor to the Rector and Professor of Theology
Reverend James Conn, S.J., Professor of Canon Law
Reverend Dennis McManus, Professor of Liturgy 
Reverend David Pignato, Director of Pre-Theology and Professor of Theology
Reverend Edward Riley, Director of Pastoral Formation and Dean of Men
Reverend Stephen Salocks, Professor of Sacred Scripture 
Reverend Raymond Van De Moortell, Director of Human Formation, and Professor of Theology

Teaching Faculty
Dr. Paul Metilly (Director of Academic Formation)
Dr. David Franks, Professor of Theology

Spiritual Directors
Monsignor John Mclaughlin, Director of Spiritual Formation
Reverend Joseph Scorzello, Spiritual Director and Professor of Philosophy
Reverend Derek Borek, Spiritual Director and Professor of Theology

What a wonderful gift this faculty is to each one of us. Please keep them in your grateful prayers that God may reward them for all that they do for our seminarians!

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