27 March 2014

Requiescant in pace...

We prayed this morning at Mass for firefighters Eddie Walsh, Jr. and Michael R. Kennedy, who lost their lives yesterday while fighting the awful fire in the Back Bay.  Please pause for a moment today and join us in this simple prayer for them.  It is an adaptation of the prayer of Pope Benedict XVI at Ground Zero a couple years ago).

O God of love, compassion, and healing,
give eternal light and peace
to our brothers Eddie and Michael,

victims of this tragedy
simply because of their service to us.

Heal the pain of their grieving families.
Give them strength to continue their lives, 
with courage and hope.

Comfort and console us,
and strengthen us in hope.

We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...