14 December 2014

Bishop Edyvean's Fiftieth Anniversary

At a Solemn Mass this morning at Saint John's Seminary Bishop Walter Edyvean celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination as a priest on December 16, 1964. Bishop Edyvean served for nine years as a member of the Seminary Faculty.  I greeted Bishop Edyvean with these words:

Is there anyone more dedicated to Saint John’s Seminary than Bishop Walter Edyvean? Which is why it is is my honor not simply to welcome you for this wonderful act of thanksgiving for God’s grace in blessing us by your share in the Priesthood of Christ Jesus…no, not simply to welcome you, but to welcome you home to this holy house. Your Excellency blesses us by your presence.

It is likewise my honor, having heard from his Eminence in Rome last evening, to convert Cardinal O’Malley’s evident fraternal esteem and gratitude for the example you have provided to each of us over these past fifty years.

That example has been evident from the beginning, even to those who first encountered a fresh-faced graduate of Boston College applying to be a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Boston. Of him, one good priest wrote:
"…I have nothing but the highest praise for the integrity of his character, the purity of his life, and the loftiness of his ideals. He is easy to get along with, affable, of pleasing character, emotionally poised, of well-balanced judgement, and in spite of his youthful appearance, of more than average maturity. I have rarely known a more sincerely pious, courteous, Catholic gentleman."

Nothing has changed. And we are deeply grateful for it. God bless you, Bishop Edyvean!

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