11 October 2015

Columbus Day Weekend...

The halls of the Seminary are so quiet!  It's a great time to get work done or even to spend some extra time in a quiet chapel with the Lord...

Many of our brothers have gone home...

I stopped by the lounge to watch an episode of Lost in Space (what a "blast from the past!") with one of the seminarians and his dad and caught the end of the Patriots game in the faculty lounge a few minutes ago.  

Meanwhile, a bunch of the seminarians are at the Lourdes Shrine in Litchfield, Connecticut this weekend, "enjoying the beautiful Fall weather, the peace of the shrine, prayer time, and each other's company."  The Montfort Missionaries very generously invited them to use their house and the shrine grounds.  Yesterday they prayed Vespers with the nuns of the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, after making their way out of a corn maze!  Among the survivors of the maze, pictured below, are Joe Sanderson, Torin Bourke, Brendan Rowley, Michael Rora, Josh Wilbur, Joseph Maurici, and Fr. Bernie Brault, SMM, one of the priests at the shrine.

With two eminent professors from Europe on our faculty, we made a pilgrimage to do a bit of "leaf-peeping" the other day in the Berkshires.  Pictured below on a beautiful day at the Norman Rockwell Museum in West Stockbridge are: your humble Rector, Rolf Rohn, Fr. Anthony Ward, SM, Father Joseph Busch and Father Joseph Briody.

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...