22 May 2016

Boston Ordinations to Priesthood

On Saturday morning we celebrated the first of the ordinations to priesthood of our fourth year men.  Fathers Christopher W. Bae, Matthew J. Conley, Patrick J. Fiorillo, J. Thomas Gignac, Stephen R. LeBlanc, Huan D. Ngo, Thomas M. Olson, Kevin Staley-Joyce, and Thomas R. Sullivan were welcomed as members of the presbyterate of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Still to come are ordinations in Burlington, and in the near future, Hung Hoa, Vietnam.  Our prayer for all and each of them is best expressed by the Rite of ordination of Priests itself:

May God, who founded the Church and guides her still,
protect you with his unfailing grace.
that you may faithfully discharge the office of priest. Amen.

May God make you servants and witnesses
   of divine love and truth in the world
and faithful ministers of reconciliation. Amen.

May God make you true pastors
who nourish the faithful with living bread and the word of life

that they may continue to grow into the one body of Christ. Amen.

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...