07 March 2017

SJS Board of Trustees Meet

The SJS Board of Trustees met yesterday and approved several initiatives for expansion of the Seminary.  They also reviewed an early draft of the SJS Self-Study being prepared in anticipation of the Accreditation visit by the Association of Theological Schools this Fall.

The Board is made up of generous professionals from a wide range of areas of expertise and is composed of the Members of the Corporation, the Trustees and Representatives of the Board of Governors.

The Corporation

Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley, OFM, Cap.

Monsignor James P. Moroney

Monsignor Dennis Sheehan
Vice Chairman

Bishop Peter Uglietto
RCAB Vivar General

Mr. John Straub
RCAB Chancellor

Bishop Walter Edyvean
Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus

Representatives of the
Board of Governors

Bishop Robert J. McManus
Bishop of Worcester

Bishop Salvatore Matano
Bishop of Rochester


Mr. James Brett

Dr. Francesco Cesareo

Sister Janet Eisner, SND

Mr. Craig Gibson

The Honorable Brian Hook

Reverend Jason Jalbert

Dr. Christa Klein

Reverend Kevin O'Leary

Reverend Thomas Petri, OP

Mr. John Riley

Mrs. Bonnie Rogers

Mr. Jack Shaughnessey

Please say a grateful prayer for each of these generous men and women, as I do every day!

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