24 April 2017

Thanks to the wonderful Carmelites!

Last Saturday eight seminarians joined the third order Carmelites for brunch at the Danver's Carmel.  Father Riley celebrated Mass and, in his homily, expressed our gratitude and appreciation for the work of the Carmelites in praying and sacrificing for the seminarians. 

After brunch, Fr. Riley and the seminarians had an enjoyable and cordial private meeting with the Cloistered Nuns.  We are all grateful to Bonnie Doherty and Loretta Gallagher for organizing this important event, along with all our dear friends of the St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes OCDS community who selflessly offer prayers, Holy Hours, Divine Mercy Chaplets, Spiritual Bouquets, Rosaries, and cards of support and encouragement for their adopted priests and seminarians.  

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...