31 July 2017

Have You Ever Thought of Studying Theology?

THE THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE of Saint John’s Seminary was founded over a decade ago to prepare lay men and women, religious and Deacon candidates to serve as ministers in parishes all throughout New England.  Each night throughout the year, men and women like you drive from work or home and study the teaching of the Church and pastoral practice with some of the best people you will ever meet.

Most of our alumni are now serving parishes in wonderful ways, proclaiming the Gospel and leading people to Christ.  How about you?

Our Theological Institute begins classes on Tuesday, September 5th, at beautiful  new location in the Archdiocese of Boston’s Pastoral Center, 66 Brooks Drive in Braintree.  Come and deepen your knowledge of the faith along with our inspiring professors and supportive and experienced staff.  

It is not too late to apply to be a student or to register for classes.  Please call or e-mail Dr. Aldona Lingertat, Aldona.Lingertat@sjs.edu.  Aldona can help you to understand all of our three tracks or programs, but she also serves as the Director of our original degree, the Master’s in Ministry.  Dr. Stephen Fahrig, Stephen.Fahrig@sjs.edu directs our Master’s of Theological Studies and Anne Rennie (certificate@sjs.edu) directs our Certificate Program.

For more information or online registration visit our website at www.sjs.edu.  Or call the office at 617-779-4104 if you have questions. Auditors are welcome!

Pope Francis recently called all lay persons, by virtue of their Baptism, to be “protagonists of the Church and the world.”  He was talking about you.  Is this the year you take an important step to grow in your faith?

22 July 2017

Back from retreat and vacation...

I pray this summer has brought you some well deserved rest and recreation.  The week before last I was on retreat in Assisi with Monsignor Johnson and Father Conn.


This past week I was on vacation in Bar Harbor with Father Busch.


I return to Saint John's today, relaxed and refreshed, and I thank you, dear reader, for your patience with this blog during my absence.

Just a few more weeks and everyone returns to this Holy House!  Pray for them all!

10 July 2017

Congratulations Spiritual Direction Graduates

Congratulations to our own Ellen Osterle and six other MAM Graduates who recently completed the  St. Anthony’s Shrine Spiritual Direction Program!  They received their certificates just a couple of weeks ago.

07 July 2017

On Retreat in Assisi

Father Conn, Monsignor Johnson and I are on retreat in Assisi this week.  After Mass this morning at the Basilica of Saint Francis, we spent some time at the lovely little Church of San Stefano praying for each of our Deacons by name.  Each of the seminarians and faculty are in my prayers every day.

For the past forty years, Assisi has been something of a spiritual home for me, so it is a great joy to spend a few days here reminding myself of what is most important and re-embracing the call God gives to each one of us to holiness.

Through the Poverello God has always given me the graces I have needed at each stage of my ministry.  These days I am recalling these words of the great Saint as quoted in the Fioretti:

“Go, announce peace to all people; preach repentance for the remission of sins. Be patient in trials, watchful in prayer, and steadfast in weariness. Be modest in your speech, responsible in your actions, and grateful to your benefactors. And know that in return an eternal kingdom is being made ready for you.”

Father Conn, Monsignor Johnson and I would be grateful for your prayers.

SJS in Mexico City

Last week Father O’Connor and I visited our four seminarians studying Spanish in Mexico City.  We attended class with Joe Hubbard, Tim Hynes, Joe Ferme and Brian O’Hanlon, after which they showed us around the Seminary where they are living before heading out for supper.  

Each of them are enjoying Mexico City, where Father O’Connor and I spent a morning praying at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As we sat gazing in silence and praying before the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I thought back to the words of Pope Francis when he did the same thing last year: “When the image of the Virgin appeared on Juan Diego's tilma, it was the prophecy of an embrace: Mary’s embrace of all the peoples of the vast expanses of America – the peoples who already lived there, and those who were yet to come.”

May each one of us, sons and daughters of the Americas, accept her maternal embrace and seek to do the will of her Son and Lord.

And please keep our four brothers in your continuing prayers during their final weeks of study.  Here they are pictured after serving Mass at the Shrine last week:

Here is a talk I gave at the Leominster city-wide Catholic Mission last week on what it means to aspire to be people of hope. The eighth ch...