16 January 2018

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him, O Lord!

Please join me in praying for Father Matthew Lamb, a longtime friend of Saint John’s Seminary and founding member of the Cardinal Maida Chair of Theology at Ave Maria University.

Father Lamb taught at Marquette University, and later Boston College, during which time he was cofounder of an influential group of scholars from Boston College, Harvard University and Providence College who would meet here at the Seminary.

Father Lamb’s commitment to academic excellence and Catholic truth appears in his publications, some of which have found their way onto reading lists for the students of Saint John’s Seminary. He was a frequent visitor here for ceremonies and for the abovementioned Aquinas Reading Circle which welcomed prelates and other Church dignitaries. Father Lamb was a diocesan priest whose whole ministry was devoted to instruction in the elements of the Catholic faith. He was especially critical of the popularized and sometimes misleading interpretations of the Second Vatican Council, which he felt had misled several generations of good willed young Christian minds.

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine 
et lux perpetua luceat ei.

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