06 June 2018

Home with my Presbyterate...

I am blessed these days to be studying and praying with my brothers at the annual Worcester Presbyteral Assembly.  

A few of us were speaking tonight about the moment in the Rite of Ordination of a Priest when the Priests of a Presbyterate exchange the Sign of Peace with the newly ordained "as a sign of reception into the presbyterate." From that moment on, the Priest is a part of "one presbyterate in union with their Bishop...virtuous co-workers with the episcopal Order, called to serve the people of God..." (Ordination of a Priest, no. 101).

I have been honored to be a member of the Worcester Presbyterate now for thirty-eight years, which is why, in these days, it is so good to be home.

“The sense of the joy in anything is the sense of Christ.”   ( Caryll Houselander, The Reed of God ) Is there anything sadder than a miser...