07 February 2019

Just go!

Today Jesus tells his Apostles how evangelize.  Don’t take anything extra, he tells them: just go! And don’t worry about where you are to stay, just stay wherever you land: just go!  And if they throw you out, shake the dust from your feet, and just go!

How do you become an effective Apostle of Christ?  Just do it!  Just go!

And it makes sense, really, because these words come from the same Jesus who opens his arms on a cross and just lets go of everything; the same Jesus, who was not just stripped of his clothing, but even of his life, offering the perfect sacrifice of praise on the Altar of the Cross.

So, the next time Jesus asks me to do something and I am tempted to sit down and make a master plan, figure it all out before I even start, maybe I should think of his instructions to the Apostles, and just do it…let go!

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