07 September 2019

What kind of fishermen are we?

What kind of fishermen are we?  God sends us out into the world to fish for men and and women, to catch them for God.  But what kind of fishermen are we.

Sometimes we stay on the shore, casting our lines with hesitation, almost half-hoping that nothing will nibble so that we won’t have to work to haul them in.  Our half-hearted attempts are almost laughable, and often more preoccupied with remaining safely on shore than bringing in a big catch.

But then the Lord appears by the shore and whispers in our ears: Duc in Altum: “Put out into the deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”  But Lord, we protest.  It’s dangerous out in the deep water.  We might fall in and drown.  A storm might come up all of the sudden and we could get drenched or the sailing could get rough.

But he smiles and says it again: Duc in Altum, “Put out into the deep water” where the crazy and uncomfortable people live, where the not so nice people are: cast out into the margins, where they don’t smile at you, in fact they walk away.  But cast your nets into the deepest parts of seas, for there you will catch the greatest number of fish.

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