24 October 2019

Christianity is not for sissies...

There is a view of religion, and of Christianity in particular, that it is about the avoidance of conflict and smoothing over hurt feelings.

And while it is true that love is patient, gentle and self-sacrificing, love does not (contrary to that old movie) mean never having to say you are sorry.

Rather, to paraphrase Betty Davis, ‘Christianity is not for sissies.’  It begins in the poverty of the manger and reaches its climax nailed to the wood of the Cross.  It is the very definition of conflict: a blazing fire at the intersection between good and bad, light and darkness, virtue and evil.

This blazing fire immolates deceit, hatred and selfishness. It spontaneously combusts where the weak are exploited, the innocent are convicted and the hungry are ignored.

And it will end in the blazing fires of Hell, which will consume all who turn from love and truth in Christ.

So the world would do well not to mistake the gentleness and self-sacrifice of the followers of Jesus for a capitulation to darkness. Rather, it is but an imitation of our Savior, who gave his life in meekness: the perfect sign of self-giving love; but who will also come with justice, to judge the living and the dead.

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...