07 August 2012

The Seminary Way of Life

Thanks to the heroic labors of Father Riley, the Student Handbook, now entitled The Seminary Way of Life, has gone to print.  

While most of the changes are editorial, you will notice a small change in the horarium for the coming year.  Mass on Saturdays has been moved back to 8:00am so that seminarians might take advantage of this free day.  Here’s a look at the full horarium:

Sunday Schedule and Holy Day Schedule:
8:30 am                Morning Prayer
10:30 am              Mass
11:45 am              Mid-day meal

Weekday Schedule:
7:00 am                 Morning Prayer, followed by Mass
9:00 am                 Morning classes begin
12:00 noon           Lunch
1:00 pm                 Formation events – classes, study, 
                               and Pastoral Formation
5:00 pm                 Holy Hour/Exposition, Evening Prayer
6:00 pm                 Dinner

Thursday Formation Evening Schedule:
7:00-9:00 pm       Formation presentations
9:00 pm                Common Room and other social events

Saturday Schedule and Holiday Schedule:
8:00 am              Mass

One of the other changes you will notice is in regard to seminary clothing for Pre-Theologians.  We will be restoring a policy which was suppressed in the days when there were a small number of Seminary Residents.

Beginning with this coming semester, Pre-Theologians will not be authorized to wear clerical attire.  The intention is to recognize the particular character of Theology and to mark the year in which candidacy is granted by the wearing of clerical apparel.

An exception, obviously, will be made for Second Pre-Theology.  Since these seminarians wore clerics last year, it would be inappropriate to remove them from them in the coming year.

I am very grateful to the many faculty members who have been hard at work updating, revising, and preparing the “Way of Life” for publication!

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