24 June 2013

Josh and Michael in Costa Rica!

Josh Wilbur and Michael Lynch have just completed the first week of their Spanish studies in Costa Rica, with five more weeks to go!  Josh writes: "Things are going great.  On top of learning the language, this has also been a wonderful opportunity to experience a different culture, and most especially get a glimpse into the Church of Latin America."

Please keep Josh and Michael and all our Seminarians in your prayers as they work in parishes, study languages and visit foreign lands!

"This is the Iglesia de Santa Teresita in San Jose, where we attended Mass last Sunday."

The Basilica of Our Lady of Los Angeles in Cartago.

Josh writes: "Here are some pictures from our visit to Volcan Irazú, which is a dormant (for now) volcano at over 9,000 feet above sea level.  We were feeling pretty light-headed at the top!"

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...