16 June 2013

On this Father's day...

I am reminded of the concluding words from a Rector's Conference I delivered earlier this year.  To all the Priests out there: "Happy Father's day!"

"My father taught me, from the time I was born, to be holy...to imitate the holiness of God.  He taught it by his words, but even more by what he did, and most of all by who he was.
We are worthy of the name father only when it is not we whom people see and admire, but Christ Jesus in us.  And it is Christ through whom all things were made, Christ the paschal teacher, and Christ the sanctification and salvation of all mankind who is the model of what we are called to be."

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...