20 September 2014

Praying for our Dioceses...

As another year begins, we pray in thanksgiving for our nine sending dioceses, most recently the Diocese of Rochester!

It was just about a year ago that we completed the painting of the shields of each of these dioceses in the hands of the angels who soar over the Refectory.  I just recently came across these great photographs of those seals (and was reminded that we need to begin work on the Shield for the Diocese of Rochester!)

As you admire the artwork, please pray for the seminarians from each of these dioceses, men who will, God willing, serve the Churches in these great Dioceses for decades to come!

The Archdiocese of Boston

The Diocese of Burlington

The Diocese of Fall River

The Archdiocese of Hartford

The Diocese of Manchester

The Diocese of Providence

The Diocese of Springfield

The Diocese of Worcester

“The sense of the joy in anything is the sense of Christ.”   ( Caryll Houselander, The Reed of God ) Is there anything sadder than a miser...