17 December 2015

Congratulations Bishop Kennedy!

We were honored this morning to celebrate Mass with Bishop Arthur Kennedy, former Rector of Saint John’s Seminary and Vicar for the New Evangelization in the Archdiocese of Boston.  Bishop Kennedy is celebrating the forty-ninth anniversary of his ordination to the Priesthood today and recalled the homily preached by Pope Benedict XVI on his sixtieth anniversary.

In that homily the Holy Father recalled that interior unity with each other and with Christ which characterizes the lives of priests and seminarians.  This interior unity is characterized by “wanting the same things, rejecting the same things: this was how I was expressed in antiquity. Friendship is a communication of thinking and willing.... Friendship is not just about knowing someone; it is above all a communication of the will..”

We are deeply grateful that Bishop Kennedy has given over his life to the will of God for him and allowed the love and truth of Christ the Lord to shine forth for the past forty-nine years.  Ad multos annos!

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