29 May 2017

Odds and Ends from the Past Week....

Valentine Nworah and Stanislaus Achu are pictured here with my good friend Archbishop Terrance Prendergast, SJ, who generously welcomed them to his residence in Ottawa while they were awaiting renewal of their visas. Archbishop Prendergast is a great scripture scholar, and I can’t wait until you enjoy him as a retreat director later this year!

Pope Francis was in Genoa this week, where he spoke to 3,500 industrial workers, many in uniforms or hard hats. He told them "without work for everyone, there will not be dignity for anyone.”

Master photographer George Martell caught several great candid shots from the Theological Institute Commencement the other day, including this one of the President of the Theological Institute deep in thought.

We were checking just in case you had sent us a text!
I am still grateful for my old friend, Dr. Christa Klein, whose Commencement Address was so well received by our graduates and their families and friends.

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...