25 December 2017

A Short Homily for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

So, this is what real Catholics look like! The ones who go to Church twice in a long weekend because they believe all that stuff about obligation and being a good Catholic.

Because they believe you can’t find the meaning of Christmas online, even if you have Amazon Prime.

Because they find their Gospel in the Scriptures and not in the fourteenth screening of “The Christmas Prince.”

Because the force of their lives flows from a real child born to a real girl in a real manger, and not from the 9:40 showing of the Last Jedi in Aviation Mall.

No, you seek the meaning of Christmas and the meaning of life neither online, nor on T.V., nor on the big screen. You know that the meaning of life is found on that cross and in that crib.

And you seek him there, like shepherds and wise men before you. For you know, as Pope Francis teaches us that “If we remove Jesus, what is left of Christmas? Just an empty feast….[that] Jesus is the real Christmas…born poor and fragile among us, to give us his love.”

Which is why we come here twice in one long weekend simply to pray with Mary: “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”

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