18 January 2019

Feeling powerless and the paralytic

How do I get my kids to go back to Church? My friend has cancer and I don’t know what to do? The world is such a mess, and I feel so powerless.

How may times do we feel powerless, in the face of sickness, violence and all the craziness that seems to swirl around us. What are we to do?

Today the Lord gives us a simple answer in that old story you know so well about the paralytic.  He can’t move a muscle. In fact, the Lord is inside the house curing folks left and right, and its so crowded that his friends can’t even squeeze his stretcher through the door!

So they open up the roof, which must have just thrilled the owner of the house, and lower their friend down into the house so that the Lord can heal him.

So what do we do when our friends are in trouble, or have cancer or face unsurmountable odds.

We pick them up and hold them before the Lord, so that he can heal them.

Here is a talk I gave at the Leominster city-wide Catholic Mission last week on what it means to aspire to be people of hope. The eighth ch...