03 January 2019

What are you looking for?

The first words Jesus speaks in the Gospel of John are to the disciples of John the Baptist who have started to follow him.  He turns around, we are told, and asks them “What are you looking for?”

As the Lord asks each one of us: “What are you looking for?”

Maybe its relief from your pain or the worry that keeps you up at night.

Is that what you’re looking for?

Maybe it’s for healing of a troubled relationship that drives you crazy.

Is that what you’re looking for?

Maybe it’s a sense of peace that you just can’t seem to find anymore.

Is that what you’re looking for?

Maybe it’s the answer to really complicated questions about life and death and what it’s all about.

Is that what you’re looking for?

Well the good news is, the next words of Jesus give us the answer to all of our problems, as he turns to the disciples and says simply, “Come, and you will see.”

Follow him, listen to him, be touched and consoled by him;

and no matter what it is your are seeking, you will find rest.

Here is a talk I gave at the Leominster city-wide Catholic Mission last week on what it means to aspire to be people of hope. The eighth ch...