17 March 2019

Partners in Charity

Tony and Chris Adade spoke at all the Masses this week as we begin the Cathedral Parish appeal for Partners in Charity.  I am deeply grateful to them both for their willingness to lead our efforts on behalf of this essential annual appeal for Charity and Education.  Here's the talk they gave, and a link to the video which we showed after their inspirational presentation.

Hello, I am Tony Adade and this is my wife Chris.  We are proud parishioners of Saint Paul’s Cathedral and this year’s chair couple for the Partners in Charity Appeal, which opens the door for so many of the things we all care about, such as the following:  
  • Our children and young people who attend Catholic schools;
  • Parish religious education programs and area College campus ministry programs;
  • Mothers and fathers at many partner supported agencies who receive charitable assistance and support;
  • Men, women, deacons and priests being prepared to serve all of us in parish ministry;
  • Newcomers to our country who cherish their Catholic faith and are supported by the many good works of Catholic Charities.
As you can see, your generosity impacts many people in central Massachusetts and contributes to the future of the Church, not only here at St. Paul's Cathedral but all throughout the Diocese of Worcester. 
Now ask yourself, how can I respond to God's call to help and to be a steward of God’s gifts with which we have all been blessed? Some of you may be able to pledge $25 dollars per month, others $100 per month, and some even more. All we ask is that you give thanks for the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon you.
Please remember that what you give Partners in Charity also helps to build up Saint Paul’s Cathedral, because so many of our ministries are directly supported by this annual appeal. So please, look into your heart and join us to help strengthen our commitment to the mission of the Church in the Diocese of Worcester. 
As our patron, Saint Pope Paul VI has said, “no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord, the great joy announced by the angel on Christmas night is truly for all the people.”
Thank you and May God bless you.

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