01 May 2019

The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor.

If God loves anyone best, it is the poor, the least, the littlest and the ones forgotten by everyone else.

He could have chosen a great nation to build massive temples to him, but no, he chose a bunch of slaves whom the Egyptians treated harshly and afflicted.

He could have chosen the oldest, the brightest or the strongest of the sons of Jesse as King of Israel, but he chose the youngest, the shepherd boy David.

God chooses the poor, the blind and the oppressed and to them he proclaims the good news, sight and a year of favor.

Indeed, as we just heard, God hears the cry of the poor, he is close to the broken hearted, and a rescuer to all in distress.

That’s why we should befriend the poor.  Not just do things for them…anyone can do that!  But love them and make them our friends.  For in the mysterious plan of God, the guy who sleeps on the street and the gal who can’t stop drinking and the kid who just stole the GPS from your car, really are Christ in disguise.

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