07 May 2019

With the Help of Saint Paul...Online....

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We live in an age dominated by social media. Indeed, as our Holy Father reminds us in his message for World Communications Day, “today’s media environment is so pervasive as to be indistinguishable from the sphere of everyday life.”

From a positive point of view, social media is “a source of knowledge and relationships that were once unthinkable.”  You can receive daily tweets from the Pope (@Pontifex), the Cardinal Archbishop of Boston (@CardinalSean) and even your Rector (@msgrmoroney)!

On the other hand, social media can  “threaten the search for, and sharing of, authentic information…[exposing us to] disinformation and to the conscious and targeted distortion of facts and interpersonal relationships…”

The antidote to disinformation is to rely on proven sources of information, like the Catholic Free Press (https://catholicfreepress.org) and even your Rector’s own blog (http://msgrmoroney.blogspot.com), where you will find all of my homilies and news of recent Cathedral events.

The internet is, indeed, a part of our lives, as we check our tweets, blogposts and Instagram accounts.  Let us pray that through the intercession of Saint Isidore of Seville, patron Saint of the internet, these new means of communications will draw us closer to Christ, who is our Way, our Truth and our Life.

In the Lord,

Monsignor Moroney

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