12 August 2023

Confessions of Saint Augustine

Frequently, I am asked about the various translations of the Confessions of Saint Augustine.  A couple of suggestions.

First, in Augustine's day, books were almost always read to a group out loud. The idea of "silent reading" to oneself was not frequently practiced, except among scholars (and those who could afford books!). So, an intriguing idea is to LISTEN to the Confessions. Here's a link to Peter Brown's recommended translation, beautifully read on AUDIBLE.COM. To purchase a copy, click here. A warning: it's more than 15 hours long, so it might be best reserved for a drive to New Brunswick!

To purchase a printed copy of Brown's translation (which, you may have guessed is my favorite) CLICK HERE.

A modern online version that is pretty decent (but not as good as Brown) is found at ONLINE VERSION.

Of course, my favorite part of the Confessions is Books Nine and Ten, which is where I always suggest people START!

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