10 January 2013

Prayer for those who are sick...

In his message for the World Day of the Sick, Pope Benedict XVI addressed all those who are struggling with illness with these words: "I feel especially close to you, dear friends, who in health care centers or at home, are undergoing a time of trial due to illness and suffering. May all of you be sustained by the comforting words of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council: “You are not alone, separated, abandoned or useless. You have been called by Christ and are his living and transparent image."

The following prayer is from the Roman Missal:

O God, 
who willed that our infirmities be borne 
by your Only Begotten Son 
to show the value of human suffering, 
listen in kindness to our prayers
for our brothers and sisters who are sick;
grant that all who are oppressed by pain, 

distress or other afflictions 
may know that they are chosen
among those proclaimed blessed
and are united to Christ
in his suffering for the salvation of the world.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. 

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