17 January 2013

Profession of Faith

Three Deacon candidates, all of whom will be ordained to the Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Boston on Saturday, made the Profession of Faith and took the Oath of Fidelity to the Church this evening during Vespers.  In the course of the celebration I offered the following homily.

In this year of faith, John Cassani, Gerald Souza and Christopher Wallace stand before the altar to process our Faith, the Faith of the Church, Faith in Christ Jesus our Lord.

It is the Faith which comes to us from the Apostles which makes us one and makes us holy.

It is the Faith of the pastor by the grave of a child in Newtown Connecticut who believes that the now inconsolable mother will someday run out to embrace her child in the Kingdom of Heaven; 

It is the Faith of the six-year-old making his first confession who believes that father’s words are God speaking and the mercy pronounced by the lips of the priest can wash away any sin;

It is the Faith of the old man about to die with Viaticum on his tongue knowing that the food for the journey will lead him to a place of perfect refreshment, light and peace’

It is the Faith of the faithful prisoner that his humiliation is but a participation in the cross of Christ and that this penitential veil of tears is but a prelude to paschal joy;

It is the Faith of the seminarian, shamed by his own inadequacy, faith that the God who writes straight with crooked lines can make sense even of this;

What you profess is what you will live. Faith is not an act of the mind or the heart alone but all of our entire being. For what you believe is what you will become.

So inspire us my brothers! Make us strong! For what you profess is our faith. This is the Faith of the church. And we are proud to profess in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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