09 January 2013

Words of wisdom from a good shepherd....

Last evening the returning seminarians heard a presentation by Monsignor Peter Conley, one of Boston’s finest pastors to inaugurate a new feature of Saint John’s program of formation: the Pastor’s Conference.

We have a plethora of conferences at Saint John’s Seminary:  Rector’s conferences, Spiritual Directors’ conferences, Academic Conferences...  Last night marked the first of our Pastor’s Conferences, designed to  introduce seminarians to some of the finest shepherds in New England, to introduce the memories and experiences of a veteran pastor to the dreams of priestly ministry which seminarians hold in their hearts.

We’re also privileged to welcome Father Frederick Miller of Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary as our retreat director this week.  The halls of Saint John’s are silent as God works wonders in the hearts of those great men who seek his will.

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...