16 February 2015

Baptism of Pierre David Francois

Haec est fides nostra.
Haec est fides Ecclesiae,
quam profitéri gloriamur,
in Christo Iesu Domino nostro.

This morning, Father Briody and I were privileged to celebrate the Baptism of Paul and Clare Metilly's latest child, Pierre David Francois at Saint John, the Guardian of Our Lady Parish in Clinton. The Baptism was accompanied by magnificent polyphonic chant sung by the whole family.  Here is the homily I preached.

Peter, you are so very little, especially as compared to all your brothers and sisters, who have grown so big and tall and old, by the grace of God.
Soon they will teach you how to make the sign of the cross, how to kneel down and pray and how to love and be loved by Jesus. Some day you will receive Jesus’ Body and Blood in Holy Communion and be sealed with his Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. And some day God may call you to receive the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony or Holy Orders.

So much grace, so many blessings lie before you who seem so little to us right now.

Like the poverello.  Little like King David when he stood before Goliath. Like Saint Peter when he felt so small after he had betrayed the Lord three times. Little, like the Blessed Virgin Mary, on whose littleness God looked and made her most blessed. Little like the Baby Jesus in the manger through whom God saved us and promised us eternal life.

So here we are at the Baptismal Font, Peter David, the beginning and the end of life. And in just a few minutes, once your parents and Godparents have renounced Satan and professed belief in Christ and his Church on your behalf, you will be joined with Christ in his dying and rising and become our brother in his Church and we will walk with you for as long as God wills, and witness the wonderful things he will do as you grow this big and this big and bigger still.

Praise be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given you to us, Peter David, as a sign of his infinite love and the beauty of his creation.

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