03 April 2016

Last Events in Hanoi...

This morning we celebrated Mass with the expatriate community in English (I presided and Father O'Connor preached) and this evening we were back at the Cathedral to concelebrate a Divine Mercy Mass with Cardinal Peter and the four newly ordained priests.  Afterwards, we hosted a dinner in honor of the Cardinal and the ordinands in our hotel (pictured, below).

Tomorrow we are off to Hung Hua for half the day and then on a plane home at midnite.  24 hours later we will be in Dallas, and then the next morning in Boston, home to SJS!

At the Mass at Saint Joseph's Cathedral this evening, I offered the following words to His Eminence, followed by a translation for all the wonderful folks gathered in the packed cathedral, who greeted my simple words with a gracious applause.

When your Archbishop was named to the College of Cardinals he said this of you: "one thing is certain, there is no lack of faith Vietnam, and when you have the faith you have all you need.”
Throughout the years that we were privileged to form Father Phu, Tu, Hinh and Huy in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ, that deep Vietnamese Faith was so evident…every day. 
Just a few days ago at their Ordination, and then at their first Masses in the villages, that deep Vietnamese Faith was so evident in your prayer. 
And throughout the past week, that deep Vietnamese Faith was so evident in the many kindnesses shown to us by the Cardinal, Father Huong and every single person we have met. 
That deep Vietnamese Faith is a testament to the mercy which flowed out as blood and water from the side of the Lord as he offered the perfect sacrifice upon the Altar of the Cross.   
And each time we celebrate that same holy and living sacrifice, whether in Hanoi or Boston, we are made one in the Cross of Christ. 
Please pray for our seminarians, as back home in Boston and we will pray for you and for your Cardinal and for your six new seminarians, whose presence is for us all a concrete sign of the mercy of God!
Thank you.

Did you remember Valentine’s day yesterday?    I’m sorry if I brought up a sore subject and the person sitting next to you in elbowing you i...