01 April 2016

May the Angels Lead Him Into Paradise!

Father John Sledziona, CM, Director of Seminarian Formation for the Diocese of Manchester died suddenly yesterday. He was well known to and admired by so many of us. 

 Bishop Libasci wrote this morning, “Fr. John’s sudden passing comes as a shock to us all, but also as a reminder that our time here on earth is brief and our ability to touch others’ lives with holiness is a treasured gift. Fr. John was fortunate to be in the company of a brother priest when he fell ill, who was able to administer the last rites and accompany Fr. John so closely. Fr. John served our diocese in so many ways: as a teacher and then principal at Bishop Brady High School in Concord, as pastor at St. Peter’s in Concord and as Dean of the Capital Deanery, as Director of Clergy Formation, Cabinet Secretary for Ordained Ministry and Liturgical Worship and as Director of the Office of Deacon Formation and Co-Director of Vocations. In the Diocesan Administration Building all will miss his warm smile, his upbeat attitude, his willingness to lend a hand wherever it was needed, and his gentle sense of humor. Through the mercy of God, may his soul rest in peace.”

Please offer your condolences to your Manchester brothers as well. Father Sledziona will be prayed for from Manchester to Boston and from Hanoi to Dalat!

In paradisum deducant te Angeli; 
in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres, 
et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Ierusalem. 
Chorus angelorum te suscipiat, 
et cum Lazaro quondam paupere æternam habeas requiem.

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