18 April 2016

On a lighter note...the perfect Carbonara!

Few aficionados of Italian food take any one dish quite as seriously as Carbonara.  So… On a lighter note, there’s a fun controversy bouncing about the Blogosphere these days re: the perfect Carbonara.  The Barilla pasta people, it seems, have posted a video proposing a "French version of Carbonara."


The recipe was widely and roundly ridiculed by Italian T.V.


Then an eccentric French couple offered their own take on a more traditional Carbonara in this "Carbonara-Gate."


Finally, an accomplished Italian chef made this, the definitive video on la "Carbonara Perfecta."


“The sense of the joy in anything is the sense of Christ.”   ( Caryll Houselander, The Reed of God ) Is there anything sadder than a miser...